Year End Assholes

I am trying to decide how to move forward, or not, with this blog. Grandson Kevin tells me that blogs per se are deadish. He suggests that I use Instagram to somehow link my blog to my (very small) reading public. I am not sure what he is talking about so I will wrap up this year and then make a decision.

I got overwhelmed by the number of Assholes out there, mostly in and around Washington DC. Donald Trump has to hold the Complete Asshole of All Time award. Even if he wasn’t President, he would own this award for a lifetime. This guy has practiced being an Asshole since the day he began talking. I must say he has perfected this craft over the years and there is no remaining competition for complete Asshole of All Time. Who has he not insulted? Dead politicians, dead soldiers, little children, teen age girls, poor people, all Democrats, many Republicans, his mother, his kids, his wives, including the one’s he took back for a refund, and all women. I am leaving out several categories, but you get the picture.

Who would go have a drink with Donald Trump, or a Big Mac? Not me and not you. He appears to not have a single friend. Name one. Rudy doesn’t count because he is a fucking nutcase.

Trump would blow Putin in a heartbeat. He would probably do it on national tv, and call it “getting along with Russia”. What is his infatuation with dictators and populist politicians in general? I believe he simply is a gross gross pig who loves to walk all over all people, but particularly, those who are most vulnerable. And he greatly admires those officials who shit on their people in countries like Russia, and Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and on and on. He hates our allies: Germany, France, England, all of them. He claims they don’t pay their bills. Can you imagine a deadbeat like Donald Trump chastising anyone for not paying bills? He has stiffed so many contractors in his lifetime, that we could never find them all. He would go bankrupt at the drop of a hat. He couldn’t even run a fucking casino. How many of those did he bankrupt? People need to realize that when someone goes bankrupt, many someone’s are not going to get paid money legitimately owed them.

I only hope I live long enough to see this Asshole’s tax returns. I don’t believe he has ever made any money legitimately. I am certain his returns will show huge payments from Russians and Saudis and payments for what? He has been laundering their dirty money for some time. I don’t believe he is a billionaire. I am certain he will be in prison at some point in the future, because of, at a minimum, tax evasion. Who knows what all he has actually done in terms of fraud, but I assure you the list is too long to read in a week.

Let’s look at some other Assholes. Moscow Mitch the Bitch has to be near the top of the list underneath Fat Donald. Chinless Moscow Mitch is a turtle fucking coward. He takes great pride in filling our federal courts with right wing fucktards for Judges. He is so proud of what he has done in that arena. He married a worn out Taiwanese Princess, whose father is as big a thief as Fat Donald. And she is the US Secretary of Transportation. What a fucking joke, but a really sick one. I have been in and out of Kentucky over the years and there are some nice folks living there. We went to the Kentucky Derby several times and I did some business in Kentucky. I have never been able to figure out how Kentuckians ever elected a limp wristed pussy like Moscow Mitch to any office, and especially US Senator. He is a spineless dipshit and, like Fat Donald, he is also a complete Asshole.

Guys like Jim Jordan from Ohio and that Matt Gaetz fuck from Florida have also climbed the Complete Asshole list. They are up there, especially Jordan, who turned a blind eye to a ton of teen molestations at Ohio State. May he rot in hell for that alone. For now, though, I am going to close out the year with Fat Donald and Moscow Mitch as the biggest Assholes of all, and Fat Donald is in first place by a long shot.