The Future

After taking two months off, August and most of September, I am going to get this Blog started up again.

My wife and I have spent two months in Fallbrook, Ca. We brought her horse over here to get the horse, and us, out of the hot desert heat.

I also wanted time to rethink the Blog. It became obvious to me very quickly that Donald Trump is the Asshole of all Assholes. It is very hard to choose others while he is around.

Which brings me to the reason for writing this Blog today. The impeachment inquiry began yesterday. It has been a while in the making. I am going to predict the future as I see it now.

The conversation with the President of Ukraine is just the tip of the old iceberg. There will be a flood of whistleblowers coming forward in the next month. Many of those unfortunate enough to work in and around the White House have had quite enough. Many of them have become seriously frightened by the behavior of Donald Trump. I am embarrassed for those otherwise normal seeming persons who have supported this fuckup since Day One. What were they thinking? What kind of fear have they been living in to believe that this shit-for-brains asshat loser could be a serious leader of this country?

There will be so much shit hitting the fan that Trump will resign, with a promise of a full pardon by Reverend Asshole Pence. This will happen before Christmas. Trump and his crowd are too fucking stupid to read the lines that are on the chalkboard today. It will start to sink in in a few weeks after a dozen or so other whistleblowers come forward to reveal some cold hard truths about various other crimes committed by Donald Trump these past few years.

Summary: Trump will resign in shame, accompanied by bluster. He will try to hide in Trump Tower, but the state of New York will come for him for tax evasion. Trump will get in touch with Bernie Madoff for some tips on how to behave in prison.

We will find out that his net worth is not particularly significant. There is a reason that he has never revealed his tax returns. He is a financial moron. He is a moron period.

The tiny Trump fortune will dwindle away in exchange for tax dollars owed. Eric will go to work at Popeye’s making chicken sandwiches. Don Jr. will become a used car salesman. Ivanka will work the makeup counter at Macy’s in Manhattan.

All in all, a happy ending!