Too Many Assholes

When I started this Blog, it was my goal to uncover and reveal acts against society by what I consider to be Assholes. These Assholes consist of all kinds of people that you and I encounter daily. Before I really got started on my Blog, Donald Trump was elected President. I did not know much about the guy, except for snippets of information that I read in print media from time to time. I never once watched the television show he starred in, however, one thing was clear to me about Donald Trump for many, many years: he was a complete Asshole.

My Blog never stood a chance. Trump, as President, became so far ahead of everyone else as an Asshole that it was impossible to deliver my Blog as originally planned. Sure, we had Mitch the Bitch, Lindsey the ball licker in the closet, Rudy Guilifuckingana, and several others who could always get an award occasionally, but there was really only one Asshole. Trump was, and is, in a class by himself.

I am going to try to change gears now. I want to write my Blog, keeping the Americasassholes title, and make it about the observations of a 79 year old white man. Everyone doesn’t have to be an Asshole, but most probably will be, including myself. As I get older, I have come to realize that I have been, and still can be, quite an Asshole. White men in their seventies should be locked in their rooms. They have caused a huge majority of the problems that his country suffers today. I thought when my Dad and his friends passed away, things would start to balance out and human and civil rights would become much more reasonable concepts than in years past. It didn’t happen. I am seeing a ton of Assholes in the generation below mine.

People are finally waking up to the fact that the police and many of our government institutions have kept blacks and other minorities in the backseat all these years. Rosa Parks was a wonderful person, ahead of her time, but her actions unfortunately accomplished little or nothing for the persecuted classes.

The white guys learned very quickly how to talk a good game while playing the old one. Thanks to mobile phones, the truth has stepped forward visibly for all to see and hear. These fucking cops we see every day now in videos are very difficult to understand. Where did these Assholes come from? And they make good money and get ridiculous retirement programs, while just beating the crap out of teenage boys who have done little or nothing wrong. It makes me want to just beat the shit out of them. I remember a time about 10 years ago when I was in my late 60’s. I was driving in Green Valley, Arizona. A police car flashed his lights behind me and told me to pull over on his loudspeaker. I did so. As he approached my car, I stuck my head out of the window, and hollered at him, “What the fuck do you want?” He was quite taken aback and he muttered, “Sir, I believe you ran a stop sign back there.” “Bullshit”, I hollered at him. “Show me some video”. “Sir, I believe I saw you.” “Wrong. Ok. I don’t have time for this crap. I am leaving.” “Sir, you have a nice day”. “Blow me.”

Can you imagine a black guy having that conversation with a cop anywhere? I have had a few of those conversations in my life. It just never fully occurred to me that these cops were abusing young black men so much.

Going forward, I am going to cover a variety of topics, and, as I said, I will keep it under the Americasassholes banner. People like the name and I was smart enough to buy the .com many years ago. Now that serious old age is starting to peer over my shoulder, I must start writing on a regular basis. I have a lot to say.

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