Assholes Everywhere

So I am standing in line to check out at Costco and I am wearing my usual black mask. I have only seen two other people wearing masks while shopping. A guy behind me says loudly, “Hey Mister. Have Dr. Fauci and Joe Biden got you scared to death of the Covid?” And he laughed loud and hard. I turned around and said in a loud voice, “Oh, this mask is not for Covid or flu.” “So why the hell are you wearing it?” “Well, this is an Asshole Mask. It is supposed to keep Assholes from talking to me. But obviously, it is not working.” Everybody within 25-30 feet burst out laughing. The guy shut up and waited quietly in line.

This guy Santos, elected to Congress from New York, is on the daily Asshole list; or I should say: the Stupid Asshole list. He apologized for embellishing his resume, as reported by the press. Embellishing is one thing. Outright lying is quite another. This guy lied about everything in his sorry, pathetic life. Two years ago he declared a net worth of $5000 (which was probably high). Recently he claimed a net worth of around $11 million. It appears that he has not had any kind of meaningful job in his life, so where did he get $11 million? He insists that he is going to take office next week. I wouldn’t bet on it. He broke the law when he misstated his finances. The deafening silence coming from Republican leaders is embarrassing. Trump has taught people how to accept lying as a political tool. He lies about anything. Can you even imagine a conversation between Trump and Santos? If Santos is sworn in next week, then that will be another nail in the coffin of democracy. Greene, Boebert, Santos, Lee, Jordan: how can so many Assholes hold office in one party?

I also would like to give an Asshole nod to Mark Meadows. This guy is up to his ass in broken laws regarding January 6, however, it appears that perhaps Mr. Meadows has cut a deal with somebody and he will hang Donald Trump out to dry. Stay tuned. Something is very fishy about this guy and he has gone silent recently.