Republican Assholes

Even though most of the Assholes I write about are Republicans, I feel it is necessary to designate a new group called, “Republican Assholes”. All Republicans are not Assholes, and all Assholes are not Republicans. My reason for creating this new category is simple. There is a large group of Republicans who appear to be Assholes BECAUSE they are Republicans. The leader of this exclusive group is obviously Donald Shit-for-Brains Trump. He is closely followed by Kevin Shit-for-Brains McCarthy. Then follows Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie T Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Lindsey Graham.

No explanation is necessary when calling Trump an Asshole. The two words are interchangeable. He/she is a Trump. He/she is an Asshole. I really hate to say this, but it is becoming frighteningly obvious that those Republicans who still support Donald Trump, or any of the Republicans mentioned above, are Assholes. These are clearly low-IQ people from all walks of life who for one reason or another have discarded all common sense and have embraced Donald Trump as a leader. These people should be put on busses and shipped off to Mar-a-Logo or Bakersfield, or wherever these Republican Assholes live.

How has the USA become such a shithole reserve for so many Assholes? Honestly, I have no idea how this has happened. Some of these people had a modicum of common sense before Donald Trump entered the national political scene. Every time I see one of these redneck Asshole Republicans on television, I quickly mute the sound. I worry that I will break something if I listen to these ignorant shitbags. Seriously, it frightens me that these kind of people call themselves Americans. There is nothing American about Donald Trump. There is nothing American about any of the people I have named above. Where is this country headed?

So from now on when I mention Republican Assholes, please understand that I am talking about not only the people mentioned above, but all of the Republicans who support any of these people, and particularly Donald Shit-for-Brains Trump. The good news is that only 400 people showed up in New Hampshire for Trump’s rally yesterday. That is a very sad turnout for the Donald. But remember something: He is running again only so that he can keep begging people for $15 campaign donations. And if you send $15 to Donald Trump, you are most certainly a Republican Asshole. But, please keep sending that money to Trump. He needs it. He has never made a dime on his own.