
Let’s take a quick break from Assholes today! I have been wanting to deal with some Numbnuts instead. Personally, I think Joe Biden is a Numbnuts. He is not an Asshole. He is old news, with the emphasis on old.

Why the fuck would we want Joe Biden to be President? He can’t remember what he had for breakfast. If you don’t see some of that Reagan dementia in his eyes, then you just aren’t looking.

I am not saying that we absolutely should not elect a white guy over 70 years of age. I am saying we probably shouldn’t. I am right around Biden’s age, and I can’t find my car keys, and often can’t decide what I want for lunch. So far, unlike Joe, I am showing no signs of dementia. When he cut himself off in mid-sentence at his first debate and called time on himself, I thought, “What the fuck is this guy doing?”

Who doesn’t recall his position vis a vis Anita Hill? He killed her. How about his position on crime and incarceration? And he loved the tough on crime legislation, which punished minorities mercilessly. How about his love for war in Iraq? He will have to keep calling time out on himself if his opponents continue to bring up all of the embarrassing positions he has taken over the years. The business about his segregationist Senate buddies was difficult to watch. What the fuck was he thinking? Ah, that is my point.

If I hear Biden, say one more time, “Like my daddy used to tell me, Joey, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah”, I will barf. Corny is a word not used so much anymore. Joe Biden is beyond corny. He is folksy, which is worse than corny. In his interview over the weekend, he said “Come on, man” several times to the interviewer. Who says “C’mon man” anymore? C’mon, man.

Sorry, but Joe is way too old to be President. When your bowels become more of an issue than the economy, then you really don’t need to be President. Is the Democratic party so far gone that they have to cling to an old fart like Joe Biden? Sure, he has done some good things in his tenure in Washington. Like what? I am not really sure I can name anything specific.

We have all of these young Progressives in the mix of the Democratic Party these days. They want action, and they are so young, they barely remember Joe Biden.

Look at the old Democrats right now who are not going after Trump’s New York tax returns. All they have to do is ask. They are your Biden supporters. Don’t make waves. Keep everybody happy. Work with the Republicans who have done nothing but shit on your heads every day for the last 3 years. BULLSHIT! They better start kicking some ass or they are going to be looking at the orange puff pastry dough boy for another 4 years.

There are several good candidates running. Joe Biden is not one of them. What are we thinking? If I was 20 years younger, I would go somewhere else to live. Hell, we moved to Mexico during Bush’s Presidency. We were worried that he was too stupid to be President. We were right, of course, but now look what we have. We were premanure. Trump makes Bush look like Einstein.

Please. Let’s wake up and get behind someone who is capable of getting this country back on track with the rest of the world. Let’s try to rejoin our Allies if they will have us back.

For those who are really tuned in, our economy is a shithole. The stock market is not an indicator of how healthy the economy is. You have to watch debts, and deficits, and the yield curve. I won’t bore you with details here. But you better understand that the stock market is being manipulated by Trump and the central banks.

I will just say that we are well and deeply in the shitter.

The Independence Day Asshole

Before we name the obvious Independence Day Asshole award winner, I want to give a shout out to Lou Dobbs. Yes, he is a 24 hour per day Asshole and never seems to shy away from any position remotely resembling that of an Asshole. Now he has called out the “Snowflake Generals”, who have elected not to attend Donald Trump’s military wannabe parade today. Lou is another wannabe soldier. He served with Donald Trump in the chicken shit brigade, back when it counted for something. You can’t take your mother to basic training so Lou and his blanket stayed home.

Without a drum roll, let’s go ahead and name Donald Trump as the Independence Day Asshole. It is almost unfair to even give him the award since he covers his Asshole bases without hesitation on a daily basis. This draft dodging chicken shit puffball all of a sudden loves the military. He, John Bolton, Stephen Miller, and Lou Dobbs seem to be dominating the Asshole ranks these last few days.

But this fucking parade is the cake taker. The narcissistic dough boy with the orange blotch on his head loves the Russian, Chinese, North Korean, Iranian, and French army parades so much that he just had to stage his own when he grew up. Little does it matter that he knows nothing about the military. The generals all must be wearing sunglasses these days. Trump is making fun of their career dedication to their service of this country by holding this silly ass parade. Who among the military doesn’t know that this is a toy show for this narcissistic coward of a President?

Someday, all Trump supporters should be tattooed with a big tank on their foreheads, with the date, July 4, 2019, so that all can recognize them as the Assholes they are.

I cannot wait to see the parade today. Perhaps they will bring in some of those kids from the border and make them run in front of the parade. They cannot run in front of the tanks because they cannot allow the tanks to move, or the street will be torn up. Oh, and the planes. Flashback to Fantasy Island for us old farts!

How much will this egotistical farce cost the American taxpayer? They will hide that number for as long as they can, but it will eventually come out. They cannot buy soap and toothbrushes for the concentration camp victims along the border, but they can sure as shit put on a big fake military parade symbolizing NOTHING. Congratulations, Mr. President, you win today’s Asshole Award. It wasn’t even close.

Quote of the Day

Overheard in Tennessee this morning after the President’s scene at the border with Dim Kim Un:

“Damn. That Trump sure do love him some Dick Taters.”

A Shitload of Assholes

Earlier in the week, in Orlando, Florida, there was a huge gathering of Assholes. Donald Trump held his first re-election rally! It was hard to watch. Many of these Assholes were interviewed on national TV. The women who are part of Trump’s base are haters and losers. It is mind boggling to imagine how any woman could be a Donald Trump supporter.

The men are similar to the women. Most of them are racists and bigots, like their wives, and their dead mothers and fathers. Trump has made certain that they have no future, although that was already pretty much a done deal anyway. Ignorance is the big common denominator. What has Trump done for these morons? Absolutely nothing. Many of them think they got a tax break last year. We know better. That tax break was purely for corporations and for the wealthiest Americans; not for working class Americans.

Trump wouldn’t give any of these guys the time of day. He would hire them to mow his lawn, and then tell them they cut it too short so he can’t pay them. Not so many of them are veterans. And then there is the segment who are educated people, and have made money in various fields. They love Donald Trump. They would let him grab their wives’ pussies. Fat chance. Not his type of pussy. Unfortunately, the common denominator is always bigotry and racism. It sounds oversimplified. It is. Some of them are people I like and have been friends with. What the fuck do you do? We have never identified Assholes as a demographic before. We should. There should be a college major. What are you majoring in? Assholes!

I am a veteran, which doesn’t make me special, except when you compare me to Donald Trump, the chicken shit, draft dodging coward that he is. He likes those who weren’t captured. I respect the conscientious objectors of the Vietnam days. I respect those who didn’t serve for a variety of reasons. I detest the cowards who are now trash talking military hawks who want to occupy and rule the world. Bolton and Trump are two of the leader losers who avoided service proactively, same as Dick Cheney. Lindsey Graham was an Air Force Jag officer, but we all know he is a pussy, who only beats the tough military drums so people will stop calling him gay. He hung out with John McCain, forever, hoping to pick up a little macho tint. Poor John. What would he think about Twinkletoes now? It didn’t work. Now, he blows Trump with very little provocation. And please don’t come at me with any homophobic bullshit. I am on board with whatever works for anyone. I just have a problem with pretenders. Lindsey needs to come out.

Back to the convention of Assholes in Orlando. They absolutely have no future under a Donald Trump Presidency. Unfortunately, they probably don’t have a future with or without Trump. He has done nothing for anyone who doesn’t already have money.

If you don’t think America is in deep shit today, please spend a little time watching the coverage of one of these rallies. You will sew Maple Leafs onto your luggage and clothing for travel in the future. Thank the goddess, many countries still respect those of us American people who in turn treat them with respect. Of course, they don’t understand how we could ever elect an Asshole like Trump to be our President. How did it happen?

The draft dodger folded this week reference attacking Iran. It is so “Iranic” that we, the USA, are so adamant that Iran not work any further on nuclear weapons. Yet, we have this orange puff pastry doughboy with his finger on the biggest nuclear trigger in the world. Insane! If I had to choose between Iran having nuclear weapons, and Donald Trump having access to nuclear weapons, I would pick Iran anytime. This Trump guy is stone cold dangerous. And so are the Assholes who support him.

Assholes Every Day

With Donald Trump as President, and Mitch McConnell as the Senate Majority Leader, it is difficult to find other Assholes to compete for the space on this blog. Of course, there is never a shortage of Assholes out there, but these two guys are in a class of their own.

McTurtle is a fascinating species, part weasel, and full-time Asshole. Trump, who I rarely credit with having any sense at all, was quite smart to appoint McTurtle’s wife, Ms. Chao Main, as the Secretary of Transportation. Her father has a shitload of dirty money, which he has acquired through his shipping business. Chao Main is every bit as sleazy as McTurtle. She is playing China and Trump and the USA like a mandolin. I predict that she will be charged with major financial crimes once Trump goes back to his shithole life as a civilian. If there were co-ed prisons, they would surely room together, even though she doesn’t meet his pussy grabbing standards. Speaking of which, did you see him hug Sarah Huckleberry good-bye last week? OMG, it looked like he was hugging a giant turd. He wanted nothing to do with that physical contact whatsoever. And Sarah, well Sarah would have blown the orange puffball right then and there if he would have let her do so.

As far as female Assholes, we have to put Sarah right up there at the top. She would lie about anything, anytime, anywhere, if Trump was involved. Her father is another giant Asshole. He is particularly foul, because he uses God to spread his foul Asshole wisdom. He reminds me of Billy Graham, Jr., and that Falwell kid, whose father was also a Hall of Fame Asshole. You take Huckleberry Sr., Graham, and Falwell, and there is the mold for the Trump base.

Trump wins the Asshole of the Weekend award by a landslide based on his interview with George Stephanopoulos. Anybody who watched that interview and still supports Trump is one big slimy Asshole. It is a puzzle to me. What drives these people? Hate, greed, jealousy, bigotry? Certainly, all of the those and many more.

Memorial Day Assholes

There are several Memorial Day Assholes who deserve recognition today. I name Liz Cheney, Vice President Pence, President Trump, and one of the biggest Assholes of all time, Dick Cheney. What sets these Assholes apart from every day ordinary Assholes? I will tell you: These are all draft dodging, chicken shit, cowards. None of them served, but all of them are always anxious to put our troops in harm’s way. Why didn’t they serve? They were afraid to wear the uniform.

President Trump wants a military parade in his very own honor. He lied and cheated to stay out of military service during the Vietnam era. He is still a coward, and always will be. Vice-President Pence is speaking, as I type this, at the Arlington Cemetery. He never mentions why he didn’t serve. Did he too have fake bone spurs? Did he enjoy 5 deferments like Dickless Cheney? Or does he just run his mouth like Liz Cheney, Dickless Dick’s dick of a daughter?

Now Trump wants to pardon some mass murdering cowards who served in the US military. Some of them killed unarmed and innocent women and children, and now the Asshole Trump wants to pardon them, even though military courts found them guilty of cowardice acts of violence. If Trump had served, he would most certainly have been one of them.

Trump has done nothing but kiss Kim Jong Un’s very fat ass for the last several days. Only one person in the world with nuclear weapons at his disposal is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un: Yep, you guessed it: Donald Chicken Shit Trump.

Dick Cheney lied our way into war in Afghanistan. He actually lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. How many men and women have we lost in Afghanistan because of Dick Cheney’s dickless cowardice?

The Lizard Cheney is a worthless piece of Asshole shit. She is calling some great Americans treasonous, because they dared to investigate the chicken shit Trump.

Just wait until the Mueller papers become public, and just wait until we get to see Donald Trump’s financial records. Then we will see treason up close. We will see Russian and Saudi money flowing into Trump’s bank accounts, making up for some of the huge losses he acquired on his own over the years. We will see that he has a lot less money than he has been bragging about having. His days are numbered and he is shitting his pants in fear of the American people getting to see his personal papers and records.

I dedicate today to the Asshole in Chief, and some of the cowards who support him: Cheney, Pence, and Cheney.


When Elizabeth Warren first introduced the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, it was welcomed universally as a much needed protective institute for the American population. People had nowhere to go in the government bureaucracies in order to seek help from unscrupulous companies and scammers. The CFPB quickly became an effective instrument for the common citizen to use for combatting corporate wrongdoing. It lasted only as long as the Obama administration lasted.

Once Donald Trump took office and appointed the Asshole Mick Mulvaney to run the CFPB, it quickly became a bodyguard for crooked corporations to hide behind. Betsy DeVos loved the new CFPB and its “hands off crooks” philosophy.

My daughter recently received a bogus debt collection letter from a company she has never done business with. We sent the letter to the CFPB and asked for help. They promptly responded that this was not a complaint that they could handle. We were shocked. This once powerful well-meaning bureau was now nothing more than a bunch of Assholes whose goal in life is to protect corporations who rip off the American people on a daily basis.

One only has to listen to Mick Mulvaney for a few minutes to know that he is a natural and gifted Asshole. It just comes naturally for this dickhead from South Carolina. If you are keeping a list of Assholes, be sure and include Mick Mulvaney and the CFPB.

Asshole(s) of the Week

Let the competition begin. Our Asshole(s) of the week award has to go to the Alabama Senate for approving a measure that outlaws almost all abortions in the state. When I saw Pat Robertson express his reluctance to endorse this law, I knew that we had our Asshole(s) winners for the past week. Particularly odorous is the no exception rule for rape or incest. Where do these people come from? This is 2019; soon to be 2020, and we have neanderthals like the Alabama Senate still roaming the countryside.

Missouri also gets recognition for its role as Asshole(s). It comes in second, instead of tying Alabama, only because they are recommending only 15 years in prison for Doctors who perform abortions, versus the 99 years passed by Alabama.

I am anxious to see how many women in Alabama will vote in the future for these politicians who support this law. What must the rest of the world think of our once great country?

What can possibly top this? Stay tuned. The Assholes are everywhere.

The Dipshit

Robert W. Nordlander, IRS agent, is a somewhat homely runt. His life in grade school must have been one bullying incident after another; of course, he was the victim, and he probably wouldn’t have had it any other way. At least he gets to buy boys’ clothing sizes. Obviously, he just didn’t grow. I am not trying to be insensitive or politically incorrect here. I am just laying the groundwork for some of the many elements it took for a Dipshit like Nordlander to become a world class Asshole.

So Bobby grows up, so to speak, and becomes an IRS agent. He testified at Charlie Engle’s trial that he was home watching TV one evening when he saw some coverage of Charlie, an ultra-marathon runner, who had run across the Sahara Desert with two other runners. They ran a marathon a day for 111 days. Bobby testified that he couldn’t understand how a guy like Charlie could take the time to train and carry off such a challenge. He wondered why he wasn’t working 9 to 5 like everybody else. He launched a full blown tax investigation for that very reason, according to his own testimony. How is that for probable cause? Only a very sick IRS Asshole would launch a full blown investigation for such a non-reason. You can verify this by simply Googling Robert W. Nordlander/Charlie Engle.

So Nordlander, the Asshole, started a major tax investigation on Charlie. After God knows how many hours and how many dollars (at least in the millions), it was decided that there were no issues or problems with Charlie’s taxes. In the course of the investigation, it was discovered that Charlie had gotten involved with an unscrupulous lender who enticed him into taking out a stated income loan in order to buy property, that he in turn took an equity line loan on. Charlie was trying to raise money to make the run across the Sahara Desert. This was not a great business decision and he paid a huge price for it. It was not, however, a crime to do what he did. The Asshole Nordlander, and the Asshole Prosecutor, Joseph Kosky, and the Asshole Lightweight Judge, Jerome B. Friedman, decided to make it a crime to take those loans.

The lender had already pled guilty to bank fraud, for his role in dispensing loans that were based on phony numbers. This lender, John Hellman, Asshole and coward supreme, even admitted to forging his elderly parents’ names on a loan application, for which he took the money. Again, you might want to Google: Charlie Engle/JohnHellman. The Assholes were everywhere. The strange aspect to this whole ugly affair was that the IRS was prosecuting Charlie for an alleged crime that did not involve taxes. Only a genuine Asshole like Bobby Nordlander would go so aggressively after someone for using poor judgment.

We really don’t know if there is some personal reason that Nordlander pursued criminal charges against Charlie, after discovering that his tax records were clean. We have some suspicions, but nothing that we can prove. There was an obvious jealousy factor in play on Nordlander’s part. He was trying to prove something.

At some point during the investigation and prosecution of Charlie, Nordlander started running in the same area in Greensboro that Charlie had always trained in. I heard that he tried to join Charlie’s running club when Charlie was in prison, but was soundly rejected. I never verified that for fact. I do know he ran the same paths, because I followed him one day and personally saw him. Sadly, he was not much of a runner. He just didn’t have the equipment, physical, or mental.

Those stated income (or Liar’s Loans) loans are what primarily caused the mortgage crisis back in 2008-09. Lenders encouraged borrowers to take out these loans, which did not require the borrower to provide proof of income. They were encouraged to state a large income number with the assurance that no followup or verification would be performed; thus the term “stated income” loans. There were literally millions of those loans made and they wreaked havoc on the US economy.

Only because the government, using taxpayer money, bailed out the crooked banks (lenders) did the economy eventually survive. Of course, the banks who were bailed out went on to foreclose on those stated income loan borrowers, who in turn were not able to make the inflated payments, and then proceeded either to short sell, or lose the houses to foreclosure. Billions of dollars were made on the backs of the middle class, many of whom not only lost their homes, but also saw their tax dollars used to bail out the crooked banks.

The Assholes, Nordlander and Kosky, were never able to provide evidence that showed Charlie had misstated his income on a loan application. A government handwriting expert reported that Charlie had not initialed the loan applications and that the signatures were likely not his, i.e., they were forged. We believe they were forged by a business partner of John Hellman’s; an Asshole named Schmuff. I will leave Schmuff alone for now, since it is difficult to use his name without laughing. Suffice it to say that he was a player in this drama.

Frankly, the Jury was so challenged that there was no way they could understand the proceedings. And then there was the Asshole Judge who was so worried about the Ryder Cup golf tournament going on at the time that he rearranged the trial schedule to accommodate his need to watch TV.

So long story short, Charlie went to prison for 16 months for loan fraud; a federal camp in West-By-God-Virginia, the opioid capitol of the world. Considering the hillbilly location of this prison camp, the staff was understandably made up of Assholes and good guys, much like all prison staffs.

The day that Nordlander decided to arrest Charlie, he put together a crew of eight other IRS Assholes and they, with guns drawn, jumped Charlie in the parking lot of his apartment building. Nordlander, Dipshit cowboy that he was, could have just knocked on Charlie’s door, or even telephoned him and he would have driven downtown. But Bobby obviously had that need that so many enforcement Assholes have to demonstrate their ignorance and their unearned power at every opportunity.

A major part of this clusterfuck came about due to an undercover IRS agentress from Myrtle Beach, Ellen Burrows. Nordlander enlisted her to go to Charlie’s apartment and engage him in conversation. She knocked on his door one day and started a made-up real estate conversation. Charlie, who has never met a conversation about himself that he didn’t love, proceeded to go to lunch with this Asshole. He proceeded to tell her his life story, including how he had obtained a couple of stated income loans in order to help finance his record setting run across all 111 miles of the Sahara Desert. Miss Asshole IRS agent was recording the conversation, in which Charlie admitted that he had obtained a couple of “Liar’s Loans”, a synonym for Stated Income Loans. Note: Obtaining Liar’s Loans, or Stated Income Loans, was not a crime. First of all, Charlie’s loan application was filled out early in the year based on his projection of his earnings for that current year. He could have legally projected any amount, and it would not have been a crime. But remember, the government was unable to prove that he even filled out the loan applications himself.

This whole taped conversation by Burrows seemed to me to be a clearcut case of entrapment. There was no probable cause for an undercover, or a recorded meeting, unless you consider the Dipshit’s television watching “Probable Cause”. The court did not agree with me.

It ultimately did not matter that the Lender pled guilty to arranging for and manipulating borrowers like Charlie into taking these loans. People took these loans because they needed money for various reasons. As we know, real estate prices went through the roof, and it was just a matter of time before the homeowners could no longer afford their inflated house payments and they lost their homes.

Charlie lost a lot of money; some of it mine. We no longer talk about it. In fact, we no longer talk. Charlie and money, particularly mine, have never enjoyed a great working relationship.

Unfortunately, the trial was held in Norfolk, Virginia. The jury pool was made up of two groups of people; one group was smart enough to evade jury duty, and then there were the twelve people who were not. These people were not really Assholes. They were, unfortunately, more of a special needs group. I don’t believe any of them owned a house, or had ever had a mortgage. The exception might have been the Jury Foreman, a retired Navy guy who was in over his head. Nordlander lied on the stand. Kosky, the Prosecutor, lied. And the Judge drove the train.

It is very easy to Google Charlie Engle and read all about what justice administered by Assholes looks like.

The New York Times

The article below, written by Joe Nocera of the New York Times, is an excellent summary of what happened to Charlie Engle, a well-known Ultra-Marathon runner. I will follow this post with a Blog dealing with many, but not all, of the Assholes who conspired to put an innocent man in prison.

Remember, the USA incarcerates 25% of the world’s inmate population. That statistic is shameful, but we have become a country that has no shame when it comes to prison.

Click on the link below to read Joe Nocera’s column. After you finish reading his column, please proceed to my first Blog for my take on the Assholes who made all of this possible.

Click here to read Joe Nocera’s Column: